Smart Wires Inc.

FACTS and D-FACTS: The Operational Flexibility Demanded by the Transmission Expansion Planning Task with Increasing RES

This paper analyzes the effects of changing dispatch scenarios to transmission expansion planning and operation, and the associated financial impact. Case studies based on the Brazilian system are utilized to compare the ability of available technologies to realize the transmission expansion planning objectives. The expansion plans are compared based on operational performance and total investments.

Publishing Entity



    • R. Perez (PSR)
    • G.Olivieira (PSR)
    • M. Pereira (PSR)
    • D. Falcao (UFRJ)
    • F. Kreikebaum
    • S. Ramsay

Presented at

CIGRE 2014 C1-202, 2014

Power system planning, techno-economic studies, renewable integration, increase transfer capacity, Distributed FACTS