Smart Wires Inc.

Using Modular Flow Control to Improve Transfer Capability, Reduce Constraints on Renewable Generation and Alleviate Congestion

ElectraNet, the Transmission Operator in South Australia, describes an economic application of modular power flow control devices to alleviate congestion on transmission lines, improving the power transfer capability of transmission corridors by increasing their average utilization. The analysis considers the capital cost of equipment against fuel cost-savings achieved by displacing gas-fired generation with renewable generation sources.

Publishing Entity



    • B. Parker (ElectraNet)
    • B. Harrison (ElectraNet)
    • M. Longoria
    • Y. Meyer
    • P. Harrington

Presented at

CIGRE Paris C1 – 204, 2018

Renewable integration, techno-economic studies, power flow studies, power system planning, cost-benefit analysis, optimize economic dispatch and reduce renewable curtailment, increase transfer capacity, Modular FACTS