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Modular Power Flow Control Enhancing German Transmission Grid Capacity: An Investigation

The German Network Development Plan includes several PSTs in the next few years. Since many network expansion efforts face delays, these projects are designed to help TSOs ‘buy time’ and increase transfer capacity by maximizing the use of the existing grid.

The Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics (IAEW) at RWTH Aachen University conducted a study to explore the system impacts of replacing four of these PSTs with m-SSSCs (modular static synchronous series compensators). The study found that compared to PSTs with the same capacity, m-SSSCs could provide double the system benefit. These benefits were possible because of the modularity and flexibility of the m-SSSCs. These characteristics allow TSOs to install the solution quickly, scale the deployments, reduce substation space and relocate the devices as necessary, ultimately allowing TSOs to better manage uncertainty compared with PSTs.

Publishing Entity

Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics, RWTH Aachen University


    • Dr. A. Moser
    • Dr. A. Klettke
    • Dr. J. Mehlem

Renewable integration, techno-economic studies, power flow studies, power system planning, cost-benefit analysis, optimize economic dispatch and reduce renewable curtailment, increase transfer capacity, Modular SSSC