Smart Wires Inc.

Smart wires corporate social responsibility policy

At Smart Wires, our mission is to save the planet by maximizing the utilization of existing grids, but our daily goal is to make sure everyone involved goes home safely every day. We work closely with all of our stakeholders to ensure that every aspect of our business is carried out in a responsible manner.

We seek to continuously improve the way that we conduct our business activities to ensure we consistently meet and exceed the high standards we set for ourselves. As we enter new contracts with customers across the world, we endeavor to continuously implement the best practices we come across into our own policies and processes.

Our team is committed to ensuring that we remain a socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible company, and we encourage every link in our supply chain to do the same. We feel very much a part of every community that we interact with and are committed to bringing a positive impact with each interaction. Our business activities can directly help progress social, sustainable, and economic change for who we serve and so we will continue to make every effort to be involved for the good of our planet.

CSR is an important part of our business ethos and we encourage other companies we interact with to embrace the principles in this document. In particular, we use commercially reasonable efforts to procure from suppliers that adhere to our CSR policy.

Our Core Values

At Smart Wires, we are passionate about creating a culture that empowers our team members to make good decisions, based on four values:

  1. Making an impact

    We are passionate and ambitious about a better future for everyone. We are laser-focused on creating a meaningful, positive impact with real change for our customers, our industry, electricity consumers, and the planet.

  2. Collaboration to drive success

    We collaborate with each other, and our stakeholders, because we know even better outcomes come from great teamwork. We have humility which allows us to listen, learn and improve. We value diverse perspectives and seek high impact results.

  3. Accountability

    We take responsibility for our actions and behaviors, and for the outcomes we deliver. Acting with integrity and authenticity – and maintaining clear, open communication – ensures we are always improving, and delivering safe, high-quality solutions.  We do what we say we will do.

  4. Tenacious courage

    We are clear on our path. We have always pioneered new ideas that challenge the status quo, even when it’s not popular. We have tenacity, grit and determination. We push the boundaries of what’s thought to be possible – so we can leave the world a better place than we found it.

We believe that the health and welfare of society starts with each individual contributor and these Values help each person to make the best decision for all stakeholders. We publish our Values on our website and encourage all of our stakeholders to respect these values.


Our Health and Safety Management System plays a vital role in ensuring that all of our stakeholders remain safe and well at all times. We meet and exceed all applicable Federal, State, and Local safety regulations as administered in the state of California by Cal / OSHA, and other jurisdictions where applicable. We abide by all local safety regulations when we are working in other countries.

We will update and improve our safety policies as we continue to engage with new customers across the world. We regularly complete third party safety assessments and update our documented Health and Safety Management System accordingly. Our executive leadership recognizes the importance of safety, as reflected in our corporate core values, and supports our efforts to continuously develop our safety policies.

Through continual improvement of these policies we strive to guarantee the safety of our team members, contractors, supply chain partners and the public at all times.

Ethical Standards

We are a socially and ethically responsible company which is reflected in our dedication to preventing unethical practices in our own activities, or those carried out by any of our supply chain partners or contractors. We promote a culture of zero tolerance to any behaviors that violate human rights.

By abiding by Federal, State and Local employment laws, we ensure that all of our employees and contractors have access to a safe working environment that promotes inclusivity, equality, respect, pride and collaboration. This ensures that are employees and contractors are empowered to make a positive impact on a daily basis, when working with both internal and external stakeholders. As our operations expand across the world, we strive to ensure that we meet all applicable local employment and ethical standards.

We are committed to ensuring that we prevent any unethical practices, such as the use of unethical or forced labor, particularly child labor, human trafficking or any other violation of human rights, bribery, corruption, or fraud either within our company or within our supply chain. Within our company we implement this through our Core Values and internal Code of Conduct policies.

We recognize that our supply chain partners have an important role to play in ensuring that we remain a socially and ethically responsible company. We consider the ethical standards upheld by potential suppliers during the Supplier Selection process and select suppliers that meet these standards.


As our world continues to evolve, so has the need for environmental sustainability. The direction to a more sustainable future guides us to develop, build and distribute tools that our partners can use to deliver safe and reliable energy to their customers. We are focused on working as a team to generate new ideas, insight and opportunities to create value for our customers and partners, as well as ultimately benefit the health of the planet.

Our Environmental Management System Manual ensures that we continuously monitor, review and improve our activities in order to minimize our environmental impact.

At Smart Wires, we are committed to conducting business in an environmentally responsible manner by:

  • Creating products which reduce fossil fuel use by unlocking latent capacity on the electrical grid, facilitating the increased transfer and use of renewable energy
  • Establishing an environmental management system aligned to ISO 14001:2015
  • Making efficient use of natural resources in our operations
  • Implementing and maintaining an environmentally sensitive waste management process
  • Empowering our employees with the knowledge and resources necessary to meet our environmental standards
  • Working with suppliers and subcontractors who are environmentally responsible

Our sustainability commitment is shaped by California’s regulatory and public policy priorities. For example, the state’s target of 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 compared to 1990 levels and a new statewide goal to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. We strive to meet and exceed the environmental targets set by governing authorities not only in California, but also in every location we operate.

Communicating our Progress

Sustainability and corporate responsibility is a process of continual improvement. Smart Wires is committed to being open to new opportunities and considerations to contribute to the health and welfare of society. We are looking into joining interest groups focused on CSR and sustainability in order to benefit from the shared learnings of other similar companies on these topics. We will hold ourselves accountable and report on our performance of these topics and be transparent with our progress. It is our hope to have this information publicly available in order to show where Smart Wires is excelling and what opportunities we have to strengthen our performance.

Read Our: Modern Slavery Statement