Tag Archive for: Techno-economic studies

Desempenho em Regime Permanente e Transitório Eletromecânico de SSSC no Organon e suas Vantagens para Operadores de Sistemas

Desempenho em Regime Permanente e Transitório Eletromecânico de SSSC no Organon e suas Vantagens para Operadores de Sistemas

Atualmente, os operadores do sistema elétrico contam com poucos elementos além do redespacho de geração para evitar condições operativas críticas que geram sobrecargas nos principais corredores de intercâmbio elétrico entre os sub-sistemas. O redespacho, no entanto, é uma medida que usualmente aumenta geração de maior custo em detrimento de outras de menor custo, trazendo impactos a tarifa de energia. O SSSC (Static Synchronous Series Compensator) é uma nova tecnologia para controlar fluxo de potência em sistemas elétricos. Ao injetar uma tensão série em quadratura, adiantada ou atrasada em relação à corrente da linha, obtém-se efeito indutivo ou capacitivo no circuito onde este elemento é inserido e, consequentemente, diminui ou aumenta-se o fluxo de potência de acordo com as necessidades de operação. Ou seja, ao introduzir este elemento, as Linhas de Transmissão tornam-se despacháveis e sua controlabilidade algo extremamente valioso para os operadores de sistemas, evitando-se assim o redespacho de geração para controle de fluxos


J.L Jardim; V. Nakashima; R. GUIMARÃES; F. Melo; J.M Areiza; S. Mesa; A. Prioli; S. Gomez; P. Penna

O estudo de caso da lt cd 138 kV Ribeirão Preto – Porto Ferreira comparação técnico-econômica entre a solução tradicional (reconstrução da lt) e uma solução inovadora composta pela implantação do modular –

O estudo de caso da lt cd 138 kV Ribeirão Preto – Porto Ferreira comparação técnico-econômica entre a solução tradicional (reconstrução da lt) e uma solução inovadora composta pela implantação do modular –

A LT 138 kV Ribeirão Preto – Porto Ferreira C1/C2, localizada no estado de São Paulo – Brasil, atualmente já apresenta riscos de sobrecarga em regime normal de operação (N). A solução estrutural tradicional para este problema demanda um prazo de implantação de 48 meses. Diante do exposto, este artigo apresenta um estudo de caso de uma alternativa composta por dispositivos pertencentes a tecnologia Modular – Static Synchronous Series Compensator, para eliminar o referido problema. As análises efetuadas demonstraram que tal solução inovadora é capaz de atender a necessidade sistêmica em um prazo de até 15 meses, além de apresentar investimentos e robustez competitivos com a solução tradicional.


Vikton Nakashima; Renato Ribeiro; Felipe Rodrigues; Jorge Areiza; Andre Priolli; Santiago Gomes; Jorge Jardim

Analysis, Design, Implementation and Validation of an RTDS test benchmark for system integration of M-SSSC solutions in the Santa Marta substation (Colombia)

Analysis, Design, Implementation and Validation of an RTDS test benchmark for system integration of M-SSSC solutions in the Santa Marta substation (Colombia)

This paper presents the experience gained during the design and implementation of the performance tests in the Real Time Digital Simulation (RTDS) system for a real power flow control solution based on M-SSSC devices and applied to the Colombian power grid. The tests benchmark is aimed to cover functional performance, harmonic emission, background harmonic immunity and dynamic performance in real operation scenarios. The tests were instrumental to validate the proper integration of the M-SSSC installations with the existent components of the power grid, to define their settings and specify improvements to existing functionalities. Finally, this paper establishes a series of good practices identified from the experience of real transmission systems of the ISA group to incorporate them to the installation of this novel technology and promote the safe expansion of this type of solutions all over the world.


A. Duque; J.A Calderon; C.E Borda; S. Hincapie; J.P Botero; M. Hammad; D. Caro; P. Macedo; C.A Restrepo; J.P Gallego

Technical Analysis of Power Flow Control Technologies and Dynamic Line Rating in Transmission Systems

Technical Analysis of Power Flow Control Technologies and Dynamic Line Rating in Transmission Systems

This paper presents an analysis of Power Flow Control in combination with Dynamic Line Rating technologies, taking a study case in which the integration of each type of technology was evaluated individually and together in a transmission system. Subsequently, with the results obtained, an economic evaluation of the implementation of each technology is made through a quantitative comparison of price for the energy generated, reduction in the restriction costs, and investment cost of each alternative. Results and analysis show good synergies between the two technologies in maximizing grid utilization.


A. Duque; D. Urbaez; S. Gomez; L. Salazar; N. Gallego; P. Viana; M. Patiño

Algorithm for Calculating the Dispatch of Multiple Power Flow Control Devices using Current Sensitivity Factors

Algorithm for Calculating the Dispatch of Multiple Power Flow Control Devices using Current Sensitivity Factors

This paper presents an algorithm to determine the required series voltage injection setpoint for multiple Modular Static Synchronous Series Compensation (M-SSSC) installations. These devices are part of the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) family, and one of its main objectives is to allow power flow control to enhance grid utilization. With the proposed algorithm, it is possible to automatically reach the required magnitude for a set of line currents, which can be associated to the line’s thermal limit or to preferred operational setpoints. Additionally, the algorithm performance is tested in different power systems, identifying systemic benefits such as wide-area control, grid capacity optimization, system reliability and security, and facilitating the integration of renewable generation.


A. Duque; D. Urbaez; S. Gomez

M-SSSC como tecnología habilitadora de la integración de energía renovable en Colombia

M-SSSC como tecnología habilitadora de la integración de energía renovable en Colombia

En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados del proceso de planeación de la expansión de la red en Colombia, en una zona con alto potencial de desarrollo de proyectos de generación renovables no convencionales como solar y eólico, y con fuertes limitaciones para la expansión tradicional de la transmisión. Como resultado se muestra la ubicación y el modo de operación de los dispositivos MSSSC que permiten la integración de la generación renovable en el horizonte de planeamiento cumpliendo los criterios de operación y confiabilidad establecidos en la normatividad colombiana


A. Duque; C.E Borda; J.A Calderon; J.G Ortega; S. Hincapie

Real-Time Simulations to Validate the Impact of M-SSSC Devices on Protection Coordination in Power Systems

Real-Time Simulations to Validate the Impact of M-SSSC Devices on Protection Coordination in Power Systems

This paper analyzes the impact of the integration of the Modular Static Synchronous Series Compensator (M-SSSC) solution that will be deployed in the Santa Marta 220 kV (Colombian substation) by using real-time simulations with Hardware in the Loop (HIL) technique, over the protection coordination schemes in the area of influence. The results show that the M-SSSC devices can be successfully coordinated with the protection schemes, mitigating overloads through the transmission lines during steady state and contingencies, while avoiding potential harmful interactions with the grid and, most importantly, with protection devices. This behavior is achieved by using overcurrent detection logics implemented on M-SSSC devices that trip fast-acting Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) that cease the voltage injection in less than 5 ms.


J.P Gallego; A. Duque; C.E Borda; J.A Calderon; J. Marin; P. Macedo; S. Hincapie

Statistical Methodology for TRV Analysis for M-SSSC Solutions in the Santa Marta Substation (Colombia)

Statistical Methodology for TRV Analysis for M-SSSC Solutions in the Santa Marta Substation (Colombia)

This paper presents the methodology used to evaluate Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) of the breakers of two transmission lines considering the presence of M-SSSC devices. The study uses a statistical representation of the breakers operation in a power system grid model developed in an EMT software. The simulations performed consist in the combination of faults of different natures with different fault resistances and locations throughout the length of the line, and different points of occurrence within the voltage waveform; Analysis of all cases is based on validating if the TRV of the breakers surpasses the characteristic withstand envelopes of the breaker. The results of these tests showed that the effect of the rapid bypass protection system of the M-SSSC and the nature itself of the device (not an energy-storing element) minimize the risk of TRV violations in a power system. Finally, the same nature of tests was performed with a fixed series compensation element to compare the negative effects in TRV of fixed compensation versus the action of the M-SSSC


J.P Botero; A. Duque; C.E Borda; J.A Calderon; J. Marin; D. Caro